Technical Support for Developer Products

This page is for Developer Products customers only.

All questions related to Desktop Products should be sent using the Desktop Products support form.

All questions related to Server Products should be sent using the Server Products support form.
All questions related to Online Services should be sent using the Online Services support form.

Informazioni di contatto
Your Request
Product Information
Codice di sicurezza

Inserire i caratteri come visualizzati nell'immagine qui accanto (senza distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole). Fare clic sull'immagine se la lettura dei caratteri risulta difficoltosa.

I campi contrassegnati da * e in rosso sono obbligatori per l'invio del modulo.

SYSTRAN's Technical Support can also be contacted by phone from Monday to Friday at the following locations:
Europe: +33 (0)1 44 82 49 98 (9:00 to 6:00 PM CET)
USA: +1 858 457 1900 x446 (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST)

*Campi obbligatori

We respect your privacy, and will use this information only for contact purposes.