After a few weeks of planning, copy writing and image selecting, 3D Printshow is more than pleased to present our new, fresh website. We’ve turned our backs on the heavy black site design that grabbed so many people’s attention two years ago – and instead, we’ve chosen a lighter format that is visually driven by all of our incredible show content.
Explore our show and industry news, as well as images and videos from previous 3D Printshows through the Look, Watch and Read tabs. All of the information about our events – like exhibitors, speaking timetables, features and venue details can be found under the Events tab, after having selected which 3D Printshow you’d like to know more about. The Our View tab will give you an insight into our aims here at 3D Printshow, and you can check out the press we’ve received (as well as details about applying for a press pass) under the Press tab. We’ll be announcing the categories for the 3D Printshow 2014 Global Awards in May, and you can read more by clicking on Awards. Another important part of the site is the Exhibit page, which will give you some information about the benefits of exhibiting with 3D Printshow, as well as the all important floor plan and pricing details.
And finally – what better way to celebrate our new website than by launching the tickets for 3D Printshow London 2014! Tickets are available now through the Tickets tab of the website – and after the huge amount of inquiries we’ve already received regarding their release, we’re expecting them to sell very quickly. The show will take place over the 4, 5 and 6 September at Old Billingsgate in London.
All ticket options are explained on the Ticket tab of our website, but we’re excited to be doing things a little differently this year by offering two basic ticket types. The Show Floor pass entitles guests to chat with all of our exhibitors, explore all of our features, and access the Open Stage at the show, whilst the Conference pass allows for all of the above as well as unlimited access to The Industry Stage and The Specialist Stage for some of our best seminar session content to date.
If all that isn’t enough – and if you don’t want the 3D printing fun to end – then certainly try to get your hands on tickets for The Global Awards Party & Networking Evening. Planned to take place on the riverside terrace of our fantastic central London venue, it’s looks set to be a brilliant evening.
We’ll be releasing information and tickets for 3D Printshow Paris 2014 (17 and 18 October) in the coming weeks.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if there’s anything else that we can help you with. All of the 3D Printshow team are really excited about our London 2014 event, and we can’t wait to finalise and release all of the show content over the next few weeks and months. See you in September!
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