Incident Management, Answers & Chat in 50+ Languages
with our Machine Translation, World-Class Artificial Intelligence (AI), & Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Turn Your Support Agents into Language Superheroes
Enable your customer portal (support center) to display answers to customer queries in their native language no matter what the source language originally was. Language translations happens on the fly in up to 50 languages.
Automate translation of your support content and communication within the Oracle Service Cloud Dashboard
We're trusted by Cisco, Adobe, Ford, Apple, Symantec and the U.S. Intelligence community.
For nearly half a century, AI and NLP have been our 100% focus. Now we're opening decades of research and development, optimized by over one trillion translations, to the Oracle Service Cloud Community.
Ensure information security
Your private data stays private. Translations occur behind your firewall, without ever leaving your network, preventing data leakage and ensuring compliance.
Reduce SE costs
With the ability to communicate in 50 languages, you have effectively transformed your support agents into language ninjas, and potentially reduced SE cost by 37%.

Supporting Additional Languages
Scale customer service into new regions by supporting additional languages.
Quickly translate large volumes of content
SYSTRAN's scalable architecture delivers fast translations, turning your knowledge base into a remarkable Multi-lingual content factory.

Auto-translate knowledge base, FAQ, Chat and technical documentation – into your user's native language

Post-edit the Machine Translation

Provide seamless agent capability to support customers in multiple languages by offering automatic machine translated incident chains

Provide real-time multi-lingual chat support to customers

Extend the reach of call-center agents to support customers globally in their native languages