Accurate, fast, robust, and useful. SYSTRAN’s translation software products benefit from best-of-breed technologies with a rich Korean dictionary.

Specialized Korean dictionaries

The meanings of words and expressions vary according to context. That’s why SYSTRAN’s translation products offer a complete general Korean dictionary plus 20 specialized Korean dictionaries. Get accurate translations with SYSTRAN. The Korean dictionary offers several alternatives for each word and lets you choose the best translation according to the context and subject.

Improve the Korean dictionary

Korean evolves every day. To keep pace with these constant changes, SYSTRAN continuously improves its Korean dictionary. SYSTRAN teams work every day to enrich the Korean dictionary. Automatic terminology extraction tools automatically increase the number of entries in the Korean dictionary. The vocabulary in the Korean dictionary is updated each and every day to guarantee translation accuracy.

Create a free online Korean dictionary

Create your own free online Korean dictionary. Connect to SYSTRANet and create your free online Korean dictionary. Simply enter the word and SYSTRAN automatically codes the appropriate grammatical entry into your free online Korean dictionary. The Korean dictionary combined with SYSTRAN’s Korean dictionary will be applied to your next translation to achieve better and more personalized results.

Rely on SYSTRAN translation products and solutions for quick and accurate Korean translation. SYSTRAN’s software is the choice of leading search engines, Fortune 500 companies, and public organizations.

Advanced translation software for global organizations Pure Neural™ Machine Translation SYSTRAN's innovative neural engine

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