
How Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is Creating a Global Post-Language Economy | The Next Web
How Neural Machine Translation Will Help Online Marketplaces Turn their Individual Sellers into Global Players | Inside BigData
This Translation Tech will smash the language barrier to doing business globally | Entrepreneur Magazine
Computers now learn and translate almost like humans [FR] |
SYSTRAN featured in Small Business Trends | Small Business Trends
SYSTRAN featured on San Diego Regional EDC’s newsletter San Diego Regional | EDC
What Does the Post-Language Economy Look Like|
This Translation Tool Is Helping Global Brands Break Language Barriers |
SYSTRAN’s Continuing Neural MT Evolution |
Harvard Launches Open-source Neural Machine Translation System |
The 4,000 Lines of Code Harvard Hopes Will Change Translation |
Finding a voice |
The rise of AI translators |
SYSTRAN to Present on Neural Machine Translation at Association for Machine Translation in America Conference | Yahoo! Finance
SYSTRAN Demos Two New Integrations for Relativity at Relativity Fest 2016 | Newswire
The ability of the NMT technology to improve rapidly with small amounts of good quality training data and small amounts of corrective feedback suggests that we may be approaching new thresholds in the use of MT for professional use. | eMpTy Pages
SYSTRAN is far along the NMT path, and miles ahead in terms of actually having something to show and sell, relative to any other MT vendor. | eMpTy Pages
Have Multilingual Customers? Here’s a Solution for You (Interview With Ken Behan) | The Huffington Post
SYSTRAN Software Sponsors World Trade Center San Diego’s Go Global Initiative and MetroConnect Prize – Business Wire
SYSTRAN lance une nouvelle offre pour les PME-PMI internationales | Air & Cosmos – Arnaud Dufournet, Directeur Marketing SYSTRAN
SYSTRAN : « Nous simplifions la communication multilingue » – Traduction et interprétariat – Le futur leur appartient |
Quand la traduction en ligne met en danger les banques | Journal du Net – Arnaud Dufournet, Directeur Marketing SYSTRAN
Pourquoi la traduction en ligne met elle en péril la sécurité des informations ? | – Arnaud Dufournet, Directeur Marketing SYSTRAN
De la guerre froide à la Corée, l’incroyable épopée de SYSTRAN | 01Business, Xavier Biseul
SYSTRAN traduit désormais 130 paires de langue | 01Business, Xavier Biseul
SYSTRAN étoffe les possibilités de son logiciel de traduction au service des entreprises |
SYSTRAN traduit désormais 130 combinaisons linguistiques |, Bruno Texier
SYSTRAN, those French who help NSA translate the world | Le, Jean Guisnel
SYSTRAN would not exist without the US Intelligence Community | Le, Jean Guisnel
Jean Senellart discusses how SYSTRAN Enterprise Server 7 delivers highly consistent quality translations that meet corporate customer requirements | BeyeNETWORK

Interview: listen to or download the MP3 file
Language Translation Server Targeted At Enterprise | Information Week
SYSTRAN Intros SYSTRAN Enterprise Server 7 | TMC
The Benefits of Maturity: SYSTRAN prioritizes source content engineering and knowing your customers (The LISA Newsletter: Globalization Insider. Number 3.1)
Tongues of the Web | The Economist
SYSTRAN and the Reinvention of MT (IDC Bulletin #26459)
Global eBusiness lost in translation | CFO Magazine
The electric interpreter | Guardian Newspaper Online

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